Cultural Interlocutor and Speaker

Cultural Interlocutor

AS A LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL MEDIATOR, Eu Suellen, I try to promote understanding and communication between individuals, groups, organizations and services belonging to their own culture and those of the foreign cultures for which I am competent (Brazilian, Portuguese and Italian). My intervention consists of language translation activities (written and/or oral), cultural intermediation and consultancy, hiring rotations and bureaucratic items. From my deep competence in related cultural systems, being Brazilian and Italian, I assume the role of facilitator of communication and relationships with halogen interlocutors for better event management.


Suellen Fernandes is a Professional Trainer at the Italian school Accademia degli Eventi in Rome, a school for event organizers.

Suellen also speaks professionally at events in Italy and around the world, holds classes or conferences, to inspire others and share her knowledge and experience. Among others, at Wedx Italy together with renowned Italians, Destination Wedding Lab, together with big names like Roberto Cohen and Manoela Cesar, in Rio de Janeiro, at Love Destination Class in São Paulo, with Patrícia Esteves at Brazil Wedding Week.

Participates in the best networking events in Italy and Brazil, such as Wim-Toscana, Destination Wedding Lab in Rio and Portugal, Btm Puglia, Buy Tuscany (in many of them as the only Brazilian reference in Italy). For information on how to have Suellen as a speaker at your event, contact us through our communication channels.

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